A Desk Based Assessment (DBA) has now been completed for this site by Eric Walter, who presented it to the project committee last month. Using this DBA we will be able to produce an Archaeological Project Plan, which will probably involve evaluation excavations and further survey work. Earlier in the week, Eric had visited Norman Redhead at the GMAU to view their DBA (which was produced by the University Archaeology Unit). Although a planning application for the site has yet to be made, this DBA was commission by interested parties to assess the potential for archaeology. Eric was shown a wide variety of maps (which are included in the report) and allowed to copy the text and all the maps he thought relevant to our DBA. One of the enigmatic features attributed to this site is the reputed moat which appears in a number of 17th century references (there is even mention of a drawbridge). However, when visiting the site, it is difficult to imagine that a moat ever existed in the immediate vicinity of the Hall, as the ground drops away quite sharply to the west. A ditch which crossed the site further to the north west of the Hall is a possible candidate, but this feature has probably now disappeared behind the development of the Deanery High School. Unravelling the mystery of the moat would be one of our project goals. Another aspect of the site which could feature in our Project Plan is the so called Sibson’s ditch. This bank and ditch feature supposedly surrounded the whole of Wigan town centre and was described by Sibson and Rev A E P Gray in the 19th century. Sibson ascribe it as Roman in origin, but later commentators have suggested Medieval or Civil War era. As mentioned in our previous newsletter (No.113) the front wall of the hall was moved when the new hall was built in 1875. There is a good chance that old Frog Lane is preserved in the hall grounds and this could include evidence for Sibson’s ditch.
St Bernadette’s
Last month, Brian and I visited St.Bernadette’s Primary School in Shevington to give a talk on the Romans in Wigan to year four. Alison Wells had invited us as the school was studying the Romans as part of their curriculum. She also wanted to make the subject more relevant to the children. The whole class of about 30 pupils were very enthusiastic and knowledgeable - and showed great interest in the subject. After the talk we went outside in groups of six to carry out a resistivity survey on their playing field. The results showed a possible ancient ditch running across the site (although nothing is particularly indicated on the 19th century maps) and some not-so-ancient field drains. We have subsequently received a bag full of fan mail from the kids and Alison has asked if we will return again next year.
Digging Opportunities
Lathom House – We have been invited by Stephen Baldwin of the Lathom Park Trust to participate in a proposed archaeological evaluation on the site of this famous building. If funding is approved the project will begin in May next year and run through to the autumn. Please let me know if you are interested in participating.
Tameside Arch Soc – If you are fit and healthy and keen to get your hands dirty then Kevin Wright, chairman of this society, wants you to join him to work on his Mooreland Survey project. The site is believed to be Mesolithic in date and lies at 200 metres and over 2km through the moorland. Excavations will start in mid December and run through to April (depending on the weather). Again let me know if you are interested in taking part.
Wigan History Search
This new group has just organised their first meeting. It’s on November 4th at, Beech Tree Pub in Beech Hill starting at 8pm. Alan Davies from the record office in Leigh will be giving a talk on mining. This new netbased group are mainly interested in industrial history but also include many other aspects of Wigan's rich history. You can find out more about them here: www.wiganhistorysearch.co.uk.
Next Meeting
Wednesday 5th November - District Scout HQ (Baden Powell Centre) in Greenough Street as usual, starting at 7.30 pm. Our speaker this month is our annual favourite Ian Miller from Oxford Archaeology North. He will be updating us with the results of this summer’s excavations in the Wiend.
Hope to see you there B.A.